Renowned Speculator Reveals:The Great Monetary “Reset” of 2024

How You Can Be on the Right Side of the Largest Wealth Transfer in History

Join a new class of multi-millionaires…
or get knocked down the economic ladder forever.

America is on the cusp of its worst crisis in nearly a century...

We’re staring at a multi-faceted catastrophe unlike any we’ve seen before... and the time to prepare is short.

That’s precisely why we have put together this urgent briefing.

It very well could end up being the most important dispatch you’ll read all year.

What you’ll see in the next few minutes could forever change your thoughts about what’s in store for America in the coming weeks…

And YOUR financial future.

Ray Dalio, the world's largest hedge fund founder, recently said the coming crisis will be:

Bigger than what happened in 2008.”

But that could prove to be far too optimistic...

Here’s the bottom line.

We are at a critical juncture, and what’s coming next could change everything.

We will likely see incredible volatility in the financial markets as thousands of businesses potentially go bankrupt and inflation spirals out of control.

It could decimate your life savings, 401(k)s, IRAs, pensions, and Social Security.

But we’re not just talking about a stock market crash or a currency collapse…

It’s something much bigger… with the potential to alter the fabric of society forever.

And usher in the largest wealth transfer in history.

In fact, even though most people don’t realize it, this transfer of wealth has already started... and is now accelerating.

Those who do nothing to prepare—especially those at or near retirement—are looking at a disaster of biblical proportions.

Prospering—or just holding on to what you already have—won’t be easy.

That’s why the actions you take today could radically alter your life.

The good news is that you don’t have to become a victim...

You have to decide—basically right now—how you’re going to play your cards.

Unfortunately, following conventional financial advice is likely a recipe for disaster in this environment.

It’s crucial that you can sift through the noise, misinformation, and outright propaganda to put the pieces together correctly to see the true Big Picture.

Countless millions throughout history were wiped out financially—or worse— in times of profound change because they failed to see the Big Picture and take appropriate action.

Don’t be one of them.

The rest of this dispatch will give you the tools to show you how.

Let us be clear. This is not a vague prediction.

We’ve seen the exact same story play out on a smaller scale dozens of times around the world.

A common feature is that once financial crises are set in motion, there’s nothing that can stop them. So you might as well find a way to profit from them—if you can see them coming.

In short, the coming crisis doesn’t have to blindside you, your family, or your portfolio.

Quite the contrary.

We’ve mentioned what happens to people who get the Big Picture wrong.

But what if you get the Big Picture right?

You can not only avoid financial disaster but can set yourself up to potentially make life-changing profits and join a new class of multi-millionaires.

That’s the difference between being on the right and wrong side of the ongoing wealth transfer.

It’s a rare fortune-building opportunity for those who see the writing on the wall and take the proper action today.

One Simple Concept

Wealth is not going to disappear. It's just going to change hands...

From those who don’t understand what is happening to those who do.

In fact, the historic wealth transfer is already underway… and it could be a disaster for most people.

But it could be a fortune-building opportunity of a lifetime for the select few who understand what is happening and position themselves accordingly.

Today, we will show you what we think is the best way to be on the right side of this massive wealth transfer… including where and how to get positioned in three niche areas of the market.

All you have to do is make a financial move that anyone can use regardless of their investing experience or level of wealth.

The Rothschilds and other wealthy families have been using this technique for centuries.

During the Great Depression, legendary investor Sir John Templeton used this move to triple his money and eventually become a billionaire. He remarked, “The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy.”

As told in the movie The Big Short, a group of hedge fund managers who saw the housing crash coming used this strategy to make a fortune.

Warren Buffett—one of the greatest investors of all time—once said: “You want to be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.” He made an estimated $10 billion with this approach after the 2008 crisis.

Dozens of the most successful investors—like Ray Dalio—are using it right now.

We’ve personally used this strategy many times to generate enormous profits—including a 10x return in the wake of the March 2020 Covid stock market crash, as we'll discuss later.

However, this financial move is a complete secret to 99% of investors.

That’s why, today, we are pulling back the curtain to show you how anyone can do it too.

And potentially build an entire nest egg in one move—right from your home computer.

Just think if you were able to make a life-changing profit from a single trade…

It could mean setting you up to live the life you want.

  • You wouldn't have to work again… or worry about scraping by in retirement.
  • You could travel the world in First Class.
  • You could buy a new vacation home on the beach.
  • And you could have plenty left to help your family.

Instead of getting wiped out by the coming crisis, imagine multiplying your money by 5x, 10x, 22x, or more in just a matter of months…

These are the kinds of opportunities we’re aiming for here.

Let us clarify...

  • You do NOT need to buy any cryptocurrency.
  • You do NOT need to trade options.
  • You do NOT need to short stocks.
  • You do NOT need to use margin, debt, or other complicated strategies.

All you need is a regular brokerage account that you probably already have.

So, let's take a closer look at what is happening and how to get positioned for enormous profits as all plays out.

The Great Financial “Reset”

We’re on the cusp of a global monetary reset that could see...

  • A supranational digital currency replace the US dollar
  • The end of paper currency
  • The birth of an Orwellian surveillance system that monitors and controls every penny you earn, save, and spend

Unfortunately, the pieces of such a system are already being put into place.

A necessary first step is to weaken the US dollar significantly… and then offer the new system as a solution.

To do that, they would have to transfer the value out of the dollar and send it somewhere else.

It could be the biggest wealth transfer in history… and those holding US dollars would be on the losing end.

Here's how we think it is all going to play out...

The Largest Wealth Transfer in History

The primary weapon they are using is the printing press of the Federal Reserve and other central banks.

It's the mechanism to transfer wealth away from ordinary savers and investors and redirect it somewhere else.

For example, did you know the US government has printed more money recently than it has for its entire existence?

In just a matter of months recently, the US government has expanded the money supply by more than 40%.

It’s the biggest monetary explosion that has ever occurred in the US.

In short, if your after-tax wealth hasn't increased by 40% over the past year or so, then you aren't keeping pace with the monetary debasement.

You are on the road to serfdom.

But that’s nothing compared to what is ahead of us.

The coming money printing could be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before…

And it will likely lead to the biggest wealth transfer in history…

If you are holding US dollars, stocks, or bonds… that value could be siphoned off by the money printing and sent somewhere else… unless you take action today to position yourself.

Consider this.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates the total federal deficit for the next ten years to be over $15 trillion... and that's with the unrealistic assumption that there will never be a recession.

In other words, unless Congress makes some politically impossible decisions to cut spending, the US government will have endless multitrillion-dollar deficits.

So, who will finance this, conservatively, $15 trillion shortfall?

The only entity capable is the Federal Reserve’s printing presses.

Allow me to simplify it in three steps.

Step #1: Congress spends trillions more than the federal government takes in from taxes.

Step #2: The Treasury issues debt to cover the difference.

Step #3: The Federal Reserve creates currency out of thin air to buy the debt.

In other words, the US government couldn’t even dream of financing its budget deficits without printing money.

This is what Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is all about. It’s a policy of printing money to finance growing multitrillion-dollar deficits forever.

Unfortunately, not only is MMT already here, but it’s about to go hyperbolic.

It all happened faster than anyone could have imagined. There was no debate or discussion, and voters didn’t get to weigh in. Instead, the government just implemented MMT.

Here’s how hedge fund legend Paul Tudor Jones describes it:

The depth and magnitude of the economic drop-off took Modern Monetary Theory – or the direct monetization of massive fiscal spending – from the theoretical to practice without any debate. It has happened globally with such speed that even a market veteran, like myself, was left speechless.”

There’s another powerful reason the US government can’t stop—or even slow down—the printing presses.

That is because inflation is a big bonus to debtors. It allows you to borrow in dollars and repay in dimes.

And since the US government is the biggest debtor in the history of the world, it is the single largest beneficiary of inflation.

The amount of federal debt is so extreme that even a return of interest rates to their historical average would mean paying an interest expense that would consume more than half of tax revenues.

If that were to happen, interest expense would eclipse Social Security and defense spending and become the largest item in the federal budget.

Further, with price increases soaring to 40-year highs, a return to the historical average interest rate will not be enough to reign in inflation—not even close.

A drastic rise in interest rates is needed.

However, if that happened, it would mean that the US government is paying more for the interest expense than it takes in from taxes.

In short, the Federal Reserve is trapped.

Raising interest rates high enough to dent inflation would bankrupt the US government.

Here’s the bottom line.

The US government has no choice but to continue printing ever-increasing amounts of currency to finance itself—notwithstanding any token moves to tighten.

In short, we’re looking at is the most reckless monetary policy in the history of the US…

It’s a doom loop from which they cannot escape.

The people really in charge know and understand all of this.

In short, the US government is fast approaching the financial endgame.

It needs to raise interest rates to combat out-of-control inflation… but can’t because it would cause its bankruptcy.

In other words, it’s game over.

They have no choice but to “reset” the system—that’s what governments do when they are trapped.

Here’s the bottom line.

The current monetary system is on its way out. Even the central bankers running the system can see that. 

So they are preparing for what comes next as they attempt to “reset” the system.

I suspect it could all go down soon… and it’s not going to be pretty.

It’s going to result in an enormous wealth transfer from you to the parasitical class—politicians, central bankers, and those connected to them.

All of this could have enormous consequences for YOU and YOUR portfolio.

This rampant money printing could have the effect of transferring wealth out of anyone holding US dollars, stocks, and bonds... and diverting it somewhere else.

In other words, if you do nothing, you could be on the wrong side of this historic wealth shift.

That wealth could be transferred out of the savings of millions of people and routed somewhere else…

It would be a financial disaster for most people.

It could also to be a catastrophe for much of the stock and bond markets as thousands of businesses potentially go bankrupt and inflation spirals out of control.

It could decimate your life savings, 401(k)s, IRAs, pensions, and Social Security.

That's why being exposed to the broad financial markets could be a recipe for disaster.

You need to be positioned in the niche areas of the market where the wealth is likely to flow to as the transfer gets underway in earnest in the weeks ahead.

Here’s the bottom line.

Unfortunately, there is nothing anyone can do to stop the Great Monetary Reset.

The only thing you can do is to try to make sure you're on the receiving end of the wealth transfer.

Later, we’ll reveal three ways you can do just that.

It's a unique moneymaking situation that you won't hear anywhere in the news…

And it could create a whole new class of post-crisis multi-millionaires from everyday people on Main Street.

How You Can Be On the Right Side

It bears repeating…

In the coming crisis and monetary reset, wealth will not get destroyed. It is just going to change hands.

The key is to observe distortions in the markets and position yourself to profit.

In other words, you can’t change the waves in the ocean, but you can learn how to surf them.

That’s how anyone—no matter your investing experience or level of wealth—can learn how to "flip" the coming financial chaos into a fortune.

The bigger the distortion, the bigger the profit potential...

And there is no bigger distortion than all the money printing and currency debasement going on right now.

Making the right moves—or not—today can mean the difference between making a crippling mistake and potentially profiting from the most unprecedented wealth-building opportunity of our time.

Luckily for you, we're revealing everything.

We will show you how to get exclusive access to a renowned contrarian speculator and international investor.

His unique insights will give you an unfair advantage with information and analysis that most won't have.

Now, we’d like to introduce you to Nick Giambruno.

Nick is the Founder of The Financial Underground, an independent research provider, and Editor in Chief of its premium investment research publication Financial Underground: SPECULATOR.

Nick Giambruno is a Frequent Speaker at Investment Conferences Around the World

Nick travels the world searching for lucrative investment opportunities in overlooked and misunderstood markets.

He is a longtime friend and colleague of legendary investor and best-selling author Doug Casey.

I've known Nick, and we've worked together closely, since we met in Beirut well over a decade ago.

Let me say that of the many people I've known in the investment business, Nick stands out for sterling ethics, logical and independent thinking, broad knowledge and experience, and excellent judgment.

That's why I always read what he writes—and suggest others do the same.

Doug Casey, Legendary Investor and Best-Selling Author

Nick has been to over 60 countries and met with countless heads of state, central bankers, presidents, and prime ministers.

He has been to Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Haiti, Turkey, Argentina, Syria, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Colombia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Iran, and many other volatile countries most people wouldn't dare go to.

Nick's “boots on the ground” approach gives him unique insights into what is really happening in the world and the trends that move financial markets.

Nick specializes in identifying distortions in the markets and finding ways to generate enormous gains from them.

He's been to countless countries that have experienced hyperinflation and banking crises… he knows what really happens during a monetary reset and what you should do.

Nick is known for spotting Big Picture geopolitical and economic trends ahead of the crowd and finding investments with the potential for life-changing profits.

Nick has a proven track record of seeing crises before they come and knowing how to get positioned.

Below we highlight some examples of the biggest wins from his personal portfolio and previous recommendations from earlier in his investment research career.

But, of course, it is not a full track record, and not every trade was a winner. And past performance is not an indication of future results. But it does give an idea on the kinds of opportunities he is aiming for.

Turning the Covid Crash Into a 10-Bagger

Recall the Covid stock market crash of 2020, where the S&P 500 abruptly tanked 34%.

Millions of investors were hit hard.

However, Nick made a single trade recommendation that led to a 996% gain in less than ten months.

That’s more than a 10x return... and turns every $10,000 invested into $109,600.

Scoring Big Profits Amid Cyprus Banking Crisis

Then there was the financial crisis in Cyprus.

That's when a sovereign debt crisis morphed into a banking collapse, and the government confiscated customer deposits.

Panic quickly spread. Cyprus' stock market crashed more than 90% from its previous peak, and most investors left it for dead.

And that’s when it caught Nick’s attention.

Crises and extreme markets don't scare him away. They attract his interest.

Nick immediately caught a flight to Cyprus and went to work.

Shortly after landing, he was in a private meeting with the CEO of the Cyprus stock exchange. And visiting the headquarters of the most well-run businesses in the country.

He identified several compelling stocks and flipped Cyprus’ crisis into a lucrative investment opportunity.

  • Two retail-focused stocks nearly doubled, both gaining 97%.
  • A technology company more than doubled, soaring 172%
  • A luxury hotel operator more than triples, gaining 214%

Upon hearing what Nick had done in Cyprus, legendary investor and best-selling author Jim Rogers had this to say:

That's brilliant, I wish I had thought of it.

Jim Rogers, Legendary Investor and Best-Selling Author

Months after Nick visited Cyprus and made his recommendations, billionaires Wilbur Ross and Daniel Loeb also decided to invest in Cyprus in a big way.

Lessons From the Land of Starving Billionaires

If you’ve ever seen Zimbabwe in the news, it probably wasn’t positive.

There's a good reason for that.

The country has been in crisis for years. Hyperinflation has totally destroyed the local currency and brought havoc to the economy.

Nonetheless, Zimbabwe is rich in natural resources… gold, platinum, diamonds, and fertile farmland.

That’s why Nick organized a trip there with legendary investor Doug Casey.

During his "boots on the ground" trip, Nick uncovered an investment opportunity that would double.

Nick also met with Gideon Gono, the man who made everyone “trillionaires.”

From left to right: Nick Giambruno, Doug Casey, Gideon Gono

Gono was the head of Zimbabwe's central bank during the infamous 2008-2009 hyperinflation.

His signature is on the 100-trillion-dollar Zimbabwe note. It’s the largest denomination of any bill ever printed.

Today, it’s completely worthless, except for novelty use.

During the meeting, Gono recalled his dilemma as the head of the central bank in the 2000s.

Zimbabwe was flat broke at the time. And it needed to pay the army.

Now, you're asking for serious trouble if you don't pay the army in any country. But it’s especially critical in Africa.

Stiffing the Zimbabwean army would have immediately invited a coup.

Printing money was the only way the government could pay the army and its other bills. There was no other option.

So when the government ordered Gono to print, he printed.

Gono described it as being “in a car without gas,” with the government ordering him to drive from point A to point B.

In other words, they gave him an impossible task.

Gono and everyone else knew what they were doing.

You didn’t need to be a financial genius to see that printing money to cover rising deficits would eventually result in hyperinflation.

And that's precisely what happened.

The Gono episode shows the dark force behind central banks.

Even though most politicians, economists, and mainstream pundits won't admit it, central banks exist to help governments finance themselves by stealthily transferring wealth away from the average person's savings.

It’s the hidden, but real, reason why central banks exist.

What Gono did is no different than what the Federal Reserve is doing right now.

The result was a disaster for the average Zimbabwean... and it will be a disaster for the average American as well.

It transferred all the wealth stored in Zimbabwe dollars and moved it somewhere else—namely to those with scarce and valuable assets.

In a minute, we'll show you what you can do to not only protect yourself but potentially make transformative profits as this familiar pattern plays out closer to home.

Triple-Digit Profits in Ukraine

In 2014, protesters built a large encampment in Maidan, Kyiv's central square.

Riot police skirmished with them from time to time.

Then everything came to a head when mysterious snipers opened fire on both the protestors and the police. They killed over 90 people.

The protestors used the incident as a catalyst to storm the presidential palace.

Ukraine’s pro-Russian president promptly fled the country.

It was indeed a "blood in the streets" situation.

Investor sentiment had reached the point of maximum pessimism.

The Ukrainian stock market had crashed over 95% from its previous peak in US dollar terms.

Nick Giambruno then went to Ukraine to survey the rubble and discovered a high-quality agricultural company.

At the time, it was trading for about half the value of the cash it held in the bank.

About four months after Nick initially recommended it, he locked in a 103% return—a double.

Around the same time, he also sold out of a similar company in the region for a 105% return—another triple-digit return.

A Proven Track Record of Spotting Trends Early and Generating Outsized Profits

Nick Giambruno is also known for spotting Big Picture investment trends ahead of the crowd.

For example, he identified the legal psychedelics and cannabis megatrends years before most investors figured out what was happening—and positioned his model portfolio for huge profits.

  • He recommended locking in some profits after one cannabis stock he recommended skyrocketed 619%.
  • Nick recommended the shares of a promising legal psychedelic company the day it went public. About nine months later, and after the stock had gone up by more than 10x, he recommended to cash out and sell.
  • Another cannabis stock he recommended soared more than 11x—1,021% to be exact. This one also had a fat yield and returned over 46% of the initial investment in just dividends.

Another time, Nick recommended an investment to profit from a misunderstood geopolitical trend in Korea.

  • It went on to soar by 5 times.

By identifying big trends early, Nick has also been able to score huge wins in natural resource stocks, including:

  • 117%, 139%, and 183% on niche energy companies
  • 199% on a company that produces rare metals
  • A 5-bagger with a gold play

Nick was an early investor in a royalty company focused on the niche metals used to produce batteries for electric vehicles. His investment went up 595%—or nearly 7x.

Nick Giambruno

Bitcoin—specifically niche Bitcoin mining stocks—was another megatrend that he was early to.

While most investors didn’t—and still don’t—understand this trend, Nick positioned himself and his model portfolio for enormous profits.

Here are a few examples of the gains from his Bitcoin mining stock recommendations:

  • 205% and 329%
  • 564%—or more than 6x
  • 903%—or more than 10x

One Bitcoin mining stock Nick recommended went up an incredible 2,123%—more than 22x—in just 77 days.

Nick also identified an early-stage Bitcoin mining company, bagged a 13,784% return, and multiplied his money by more than 138x.

That’s enough to turn every $5,000 into over $690,000.

Now, this section has just been a sample of some of the biggest wins from Nick’s personal portfolio and previous recommendations from earlier in his investment research career.

But, of course, it is not a full track record, and not every trade was a winner. And past performance is not an indication of future results.

However, it is worth noting the above stories and examples because they illustrate two important concepts:

  1. The power of getting in on a big trend early before the crowd understands what is happening.
  2. How you can flip a financial crisis into enormous profits by positioning yourself correctly.

It’s also worth mentioning that Nick “eats his own cooking.”

He’s putting his own money into the same ideas he shares with you in Financial Underground: SPECULATOR. So you can be confident you're getting his best ideas. Also, we always disclose if we have a personal position and when we sell—giving a full 24 hours notice before we sell.

Consider this your invitation to join Nick Giambruno as he continues to discover huge investment trends ahead of the crowd and uncovers smart speculations within those trends.

Here is what some people have had to say about Nick’s work:

Thank you for all you taught me and for helping me make investments that allowed me to do some things that would otherwise not have been possible.

Had I had more money to invest, I wouldn't even have to think about money now.

The important thing is that I learned what I needed to know, and that was worth every cent I paid.– Bernadette G. –

Thank you very much for your insights, in-depth explanations, and historical context. And for the profits.– Luigi N. –

I have benefited tremendously from your recommendations.

Also, out of all of the investment professionals that I follow, your process of emailing your readers at various times to take profits (or to sell for other reasons) gave me the greatest confidence in who you are as a person, as a professional, and your investment strategy.

I don't know any other subscription that offers that in the way that you did it.– Jane B. –

Nick Giambruno has provided excellent insight into serious cultural and economic issues, and I appreciate his positions on very difficult subjects. – Phil M. –

URGENT The Crisis Has Already Started...

As we showed you earlier, we are facing a crisis of historic proportions that will usher in the biggest wealth transfer in history.

Inflation is already hitting record highs, which means the wealth transfer has already begun.

The situation is truly urgent.

You still have some time to position yourself on the right side.

But markets are moving quickly, and the window of opportunity is closing. 

We need to stress that the wealth transfer is going on RIGHT NOW.

The choice is yours.

You can have the chance to join a new class of multi-millionaires… or get knocked down the economic ladder forever.

As we’ve shown you, it is in times like this that renowned speculator Nick Giambruno thrives…

For years, Nick has specialized in finding incredible speculative opportunities in drastic situations just like this.

Nick has a proven track record of seeing crises before they come and getting positioned for big profits.

Today, he can show you how to be on the right side of this massive wealth transfer… including where and how to be positioned in three niche areas of the market.

He just released all the details—including an in-depth analysis of the companies and their ticker symbols—in a new exclusive report:

Be on the Right Side of the Largest Wealth Transfer in History

You can get immediate access when you join The Financial Underground’s premium investment research publication Financial Underground: SPECULATOR.

Here's Everything You'll Get with Financial Underground: SPECULATOR

12 monthly issues of Financial Underground: SPECULATOR

Every month, Editor in Chief Nick Giambruno will send you a new issue of Financial Underground: SPECULATOR delivered to your email inbox.

At Financial Underground: SPECULATOR, we find lucrative investment opportunities in overlooked and misunderstood markets. We specialize in uncovering unstoppable trends ahead of the crowd and getting positioned for outsized profits.

It's a perspective you won't find anywhere else—certainly not in the mainstream financial media nor any other financial newsletter or research publication.

We give regular portfolio updates on our investment recommendations—which anyone can buy through any ordinary brokerage account.

At Financial Underground: SPECULATOR, we track our portfolio companies daily. So whenever there's important news, we'll let you know.

You'll have 24/7 access to our members-only website, where you'll find all past issues of Financial Underground: SPECULATOR… our model portfolio, including all current investment research… Plus, all our exclusive special reports.

Thanks to Financial Underground: SPECULATOR, you don't have to be an expert or insider to find investments others miss.

  • You'll receive stock recommendations anyone can access from an ordinary brokerage account
  • Easy-to-follow information
  • Actionable speculative opportunities
  • A BONUS weekly briefing from The Financial Underground

And That’s Not All…

You'll also get IMMEDIATE access to 5 Bonus Reports.

They show you what you can do RIGHT NOW for enormous potential profits...

  • Three stocks set to be on the right side of the coming wealth transfer
  • A small silver company poised to deliver explosive profits
  • A high-potential speculation in a misunderstood rare commodity
  • The name and ticker symbol for our top Bitcoin mining stock

Bonus Report #1 Be on the Right Side of the Largest Wealth Transfer in History

America is on the cusp of the biggest economic catastrophe in over 100 years.

In the coming crisis and monetary reset, wealth will not get destroyed. It is just going to change hands.

The key is to position yourself on the right side of this historic wealth transfer.

Nick Giambruno has a proven track record of seeing crises before they come and getting positioned for big profits.

This special report contains all the details, including three trades anyone can make from an ordinary brokerage account.

Bonus Report #2 Silver Spike—The Tiny Stock Set To Soar

The stars are aligned for a silver price spike for the record books.

And now is the perfect time to get in for transformative profits.

That brings us to a tiny company we consider the single most underrated, undervalued silver stock in the world.

The company is flying under the radar of major investors... for now. However, we don't expect the situation to last for long.

As the precious metals prices rise and the company delivers progress, there could be a flood of investors piling in.

This special report contains all the details, including how you can get positioned today.

Bonus Report #3 Explosive Profits From the Next Energy “Supercycle”

Nick has identified a niche and misunderstood commodity with enormous speculative potential.

One company in the industry saw its share price explode from less than one penny to a bit under $10 per share during the last cycle.

That’s a 1,000-fold increase.

That means a $1,000 investment could have exploded into $1 million.

That's a rare and unique example from the best performing company in the industry. And, of course, past performance is not an indication of future results. However, it illustrates the explosive nature of this commodity.

This rare commodity has unique supply-and-demand quirks that create colossal bull and bear markets.

And right now, a massive bull market seems to have already started... but it's not too late. 

Inside this report, you’ll find all the details, including the name and ticker symbol of the company we believe has the most upside potential.

Bonus Report #4The #1 Stock To Multiply Your Profits From Bitcoin’s Next Upside Explosion

We think Bitcoin is set for a big move to the upside. 

That could mean a select group of Bitcoin stocks with a proven track record of outperforming Bitcoin and could be set to go parabolic.

Nick Giambruno has used his propriety system to identify the top Bitcoin stock with the highest profit potential.

In this new special report, he gives you all the details, including the name and ticker symbol of his top pick.

Bonus Report #5Your Guide to Total Financial Sovereignty With Bitcoin

In this exclusive guide, we are slicing through all the noise to bring you pure signal on the best ways to use Bitcoin to obtain total sovereignty over your money.

This guide could save you many days—and perhaps months—of time by immediately identifying today’s best methods and how to use them.

Inside you’ll discover:

  • How Bitcoin Becomes the World’s Dominant Money
  • 6 Essential Strategies To Avoid the Most Common Fatal Mistakes
  • How To Turn Bitcoin’s Volatility in Your Favor
  • Where To Buy Bitcoin With KYC and Without KYC
  • How To Hold Bitcoin With Self-Custody Wallets
  • Advanced Storage Options: Cold Storage, Hardware Wallets, and Multisig Wallets
  • How Full Nodes Free You From Any Third Party
  • The Best Privacy Practices
  • How To Accept Bitcoin For Your Business
  • And Much More…

The Bitcoin space is constantly changing. New options emerge, and existing ones can fall out of favor.

As the situation changes, so will this guide, which we will keep updated with the best current practices.

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To sum up, here's everything you'll receive as an elite member of Financial Underground: SPECULATOR:

  • 12 monthly issues of Financial Underground: SPECULATOR
  • Full Access to the Financial Underground: SPECULATOR model portfolio
  • Be on the Right Side of the Largest Wealth Transfer in History
  • Silver Spike—The Tiny Stock Set To Soar
  • Explosive Profits From the Next Energy “Supercycle”
  • The #1 Stock To Multiply Your Profits From Bitcoin’s Next Upside Explosion
  • Your Guide to Total Financial Sovereignty With Bitcoin
  • A BONUS weekly briefing from The Financial Underground

This kind of high-end investment research is usually reserved for the super-rich and well-connected.

We wouldn't be surprised to see hedge funds and others pay a fortune for in-depth investment research into the niche and lucrative opportunities Nick cover's in Financial Underground: SPECULATOR.

But don't worry… we're making a special offer today.

Usually, the price of Financial Underground: SPECULATOR is $2,499 per year. That's what you'd pay if you went to our main website.

That works out to a price of less than $7 per day—less than what you probably would spend on lunch.

Considering the profit potential of just one trade, $2,499 is a bargain.

We wouldn't be surprised if just one trade could pay for your subscription many times over.

Normally, you’ll pay $2,499 for Financial Underground: SPECULATOR.

But that’s NOT what we recommend you do…

Instead, we are making a one-time special offer for a LIMITED number of people who see this presentation today.

The first 7 people who subscribe today at the bottom of this page will receive a special $700 discount.

We need to keep it limited because many of the lucrative speculations in Financial Underground: SPECULATOR are niche stocks.

If too many people started buying shares, the price could spike, and the profit opportunity would be gone for everyone.

We work extremely hard to find lucrative investment opportunities.

To ensure that we have the chance to earn the biggest profits possible, we will close this offer after the first 7 people accept it today. 

But if you are among those first 7 people who act today, you will save $700 on your annual Financial Underground: SPECULATOR membership.

With that $700 discount, the price falls to just $1,799 per year.

That’s less than $5 per day… mere peanuts compared to the profit potential it has.

Offering Financial Underground: SPECULATOR with such a generous discount is something we may never do again.

If you decide to leave now, we can't guarantee you'll be able to get this bargain price.

But you can lock in this super-low price by acting today and clicking the button below.

You’ll get instant access to everything we’ve described here as soon as you accept this special invitation.

We're confident you'll see the value in our work right away.

In addition, when you act today, we’ll ensure you lock in your discounted price when it’s time to renew each year.

That means your discount is locked in forever.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident that you’ll love Financial Underground: SPECULATOR that we’re removing most of the risk for you.

If you’re not absolutely satisfied, simply contact us within the first 30 days of your membership for a full refund, minus a $500 “tire kicker” fee.

Unfortunately, some people download all of our valuable proprietary research and then ask for a refund.

It's not fair to honest people like you or us.

We’ve found the best way to deal with the situation is to charge a $500 “tire kicker fee” instead of offering a full refund.

That way we can protect our work and at the same time remove most of the risk for you.

The One Thing You Need to Do Right Now

The wealth transfer has already begun, and the situation is truly urgent.

You still have some time to position yourself on the right side.

But markets are moving quickly, and the window of opportunity is closing. 

We need to stress that the wealth transfer is going on RIGHT NOW.

The choice is yours.

You can have the chance to join a new class of multi-millionaires… or get knocked down the economic ladder forever.

As we’ve shown you, it is in drastic times like this that renowned speculator Nick Giambruno thrives…

He has a proven track record of seeing crises before they come and getting positioned for big profits.

Nick outlines the best way to get positioned in his exclusive special report:

Be on the Right Side of the Largest Wealth Transfer in History

You can get instant access to all the details if you join Financial Underground: SPECULATOR today.

There's another critical reason not to delay…

You need to act quickly to be among the first 7 people to join Financial Underground: SPECULATOR today to get the $700 discount.

If you are still reading this, fortunately, there are still a few spots available to claim the $700 discount.

Fail to act now and you could miss out on what could be your last chance to get on the right side of the wealth transfer and potentially make life-changing profits.

We hope you join us on what could be a highly lucrative adventure.

Get immediate access by clicking the Subscribe Now button below.


The Financial Underground

P.S. The situation is truly urgent.

In drastic situations like this, where markets move quickly, it's necessary to be positioned beforehand… if you're even a minute too late, you could see the opportunity evaporate and miss out on incredible speculative opportunities.